Political public relations, as one of the PR programmes, has slowly created strategies and tactics for communication with the public and the media. Briefly - political Public Relations as it's finest is the news management function of electoral politics.
First we have to characterize the political public relations as a central component of political communication by political actors. Moreover, political public relations are not only about communication and involve a wider group of stakeholders such as lobby groups, think tanks, and party donors.
We will deeply analyze political public relations and define targets by suggesting a continuum of stakeholder engagement. Furthermore, several domains of political public relations we will discuss in detail in private, i.e. news management and agenda building, issues management, event management, crisis management, assessment in political public relations, and digital communication.
Not all organizations or actors are created equal, and those entities with a highly recognizable public image and competitive social affluence have disproportional news management capabilities than do their competitors.
Attaining social, economic, or political affluence should not be viewed as the end result of good public relations, but rather as an advantage, or added resource, in setting the narrative and further driving both earned media and brand exposure.